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Thursday, December 20, 2001

The Spider

I went into the bathroom earlier this evening to find an enormous spider lurking on the wall. It was quite large and disgusting-looking and very creepy, so I quickly left the bathroom and made a decision not to return until the morning, in the hopes that the spider would be gone by then. About an hour later, I really wanted some lotion. I recalled the big ugly spider and, fearing it would still be there on the wall, hesitated to return to the bathroom. My skin was feeling a little itchy and dry, so I had to debate whether or not the lotion was worth risking another encounter with the beast. I poked my head into the bathroom and noticed that the spider was not on the wall where it had previously resided. Much to my dismay, however, it remained in the bathroom, this time lurking on the ceiling at the other end of the bathroom. I decided since the lotion was in the medicine cabinet right by the door, I would just pop my hand in and quickly retrieve the lotion. Safely back in my room and away from the spider, I decided I would return the lotion to the bathroom in the morning. There is no way I am going back in there with that thing. It didn't seem to be in any hurry to leave, but surely by the morning it would be gone. Everything dark and creepy is gone by the morning. Another couple of hours later, a rumbling in my stomach told me that I would need to return to the bathroom once again. This was no matter of lotion, it was absolute necessity, and I could not ignore it for very long. I went to the bathroom and did my business, nervously eying the spider the whole time. I decided that I would once and for all take care of the situation. I will not be intimidated by a dumb spider! It was still on the ceiling now, and it was huge… how to attack it? I grabbed the Lysol bottle and started spraying it furiously. This caused it to spaz out and run around madly. It seemed to be weakening, though. It dropped from the ceiling, and I jumped away so that the awful creature would not land on me. Luckily and conveniently it landed right in the sink. I continued to spray it, and as soon as it got close enough to the drain, I turned on the faucet full-blast. The spider gripped the porcelain for dear life and unsuccessfully tried to climb back up into the sink. As it slid down the drain, I felt a wave of triumph, then a sudden fear of the creature crawling back up. I turned the water back on and let it run for a minute or two, just to be sure the spider had fully washed away. As I returned to my bedroom, I felt foolish for letting the situation escalate to this. Why hadn't I dealt with the spider in the first place? Did I honestly think that ignoring it would make it go away? I was convinced that if I avoided the bathroom and returned much later, the unpleasant thing would be gone. Had I confronted it in the first place, I could have saved myself a lot of anguish, imagining bugs crawling on me, and envisioning the thing coming to get me in my sleep, waking up with odd bites on my skin.

A man was walking down the street and he fell in a hole. The hole was so deep he couldn't get out. A doctor walked by and the man hollered to him, "Hey doc, I'm stuck down here, can you help me out?" and the doctor wrote a prescription and threw it down the hole. A priest walked by, and the man said, "Hey Father, I'm stuck down here, can you help me out?" and the priest wrote out a prayer and tossed it into the hole. A friend walked by and jumped into the hole. "Are you stupid?" asked the man. "Now we're both down here!" "Yes," said the friend, "but I have been down here before and I know the way out." The West Wing, spoken by Leo

3:04 AM [+]

Wednesday, December 19, 2001

Tree Time

Why is it that when I am driving around in the car, or in the shower, I can think of a million interesting things I want to write about, but as soon as I get to my computer to type them, my mind goes blank? I certainly can't write down my ideas while I am driving, and it is virtually impossible in the shower.

Anyway, enough whining. I was standing in the living room looking at the half-decorated tree (it is a sad little tree we have this year, disturbingly bare) and my mom walked into the room with a small glass of what I presumed was Scotch. "Oh, it must be tree time," I said looking at the glass. "It's ginger ale," she responded. I guess the hard part of the tree-decorating was over. The tree was already tied securely to the curtain rod. We learned the hard way after one year when we were awakened in the middle of the night to the sound of a crashing tree and breaking ornaments. What a disaster!

You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses. Ziggy

3:29 PM [+]

Tuesday, December 18, 2001

What to Blog?

Sometimes I sit down in front of the computer to write, and I worry for a minute if what I am about to write will be good enough. Before I even write about it! How ridiculous is that? Sometimes I worry if what I am writing about is valid enough that is deserves to be posted. What am I supposed to be writing about? Should I try to think about something meaningful to say, or should I just let it flow, and write whatever pops into my head. Then I sit back and realize how ridiculous these thoughts are. This is my blog, no one else's. I am not writing this to impress anyone. By all means, if I happen to entertain someone, that is wonderful; but I need to take some of the pressure off of myself of constantly feeling like my blog is being evaluated. I am not being graded on this. Granted, anyone who reads this is certainly forming their own opinions as to the quality of it.

I was curious...what makes people start blogging? Tell me what made you start your weblog.

1:57 PM [+]

Fire Sauce

So much to say, but too tired to say it all. Had a great time chillin' with the old school peeps. Ooh, just realized the dumbass at Taco Bell gave me fire sauce instead of hot sauce. Sure wish I had noticed that before I doused by burrito in it. Quit begging, Ebony! I should feed her some of this fire sauce, hehe.

1:06 AM [+]

Monday, December 17, 2001

Ab Fab Night

Well, I've had an exciting day of doing laundry. I'm trying to make the most of my break by getting in touch with some old friends I haven't seen in a while. I'm going to visit my friend RJ tonight, who I haven't seen in about a year and a half. Last time I saw him, I went out and got my eyebrow pierced, so my parents are very mother went as far as to beg (and threaten) me not to come home with any new piercings. Hehehe

So the plan is to just hang out at his place. He mentioned something about a movie, and that made me a little nervous... what if he's planning on watching said movie while AbFab is on?? My instincts told me that RJ would not miss AbFab, but I was about to make sure anyway. Just as I was about to ask, he says, "Do you like AbFab?" (wave of relief) "Of course I like AbFab! I spent all of October waiting anxiously for AbFab to come back! I have not missed a single episode. I even deprived JD of his Monday Night Football for the sake of AbFab" (hey it wasn't my fault he didn't pay his cable bill, and I did let him watch football during the commercials). I had to learn to program my VCR last week just so I wouldn't miss AbFab when I went to the Dolphins game. It turns out RJ has AbFab nights like I do, with people gathering around the TV laughing at the nutty British women doing naughty things. I only wish this weren't the season finale. Don't over-exert yourselves, ladies. Not that I'm not grateful for what you have done, but this is my addiction! I hope Comedy Central at least continues to show the old episodes.

It sure is rough adjusting to dial-up internet access. It is so slow, and since there is only one phone line here, I can't keep the line tied up for too long during the day. Sometimes I forget that I'm not always connected to the internet. I'll go to pull up my browser and get an error message, and after a moment of confusion remember where I am and what is going on. Or I'll be online and pick up the phone to try to make a call and it will take me a minute before I realize why the phone is making that weird sound. doh! I suppose I will adjust eventually. I asked my parents why they don't have cable internet, and they told me, "Well, we can't afford nice things like you can." Well, I may be dirt poor and living off Easy Mac and ramen noodles, but by golly, I have to have high-speed internet access. It's all about priorities, folks. Candice and I would have had fist fights if only one of us had been able to go online at a time, and no one would have ever been able to call us (not that anyone did anyway). Now, I can give up my sushi dinners, I can even start drinking cheap beer, before I can give up my internet. Wow...I need to get a life.

Life's a journey, not a destination. Aerosmith

7:28 PM [+]

The First Survey

01. name? Stephanie
02. d.o.b.? March 29
03. location? South Florida at present
04. religion? I was raised Catholic, but I don't necessarily agree with all of that... I believe in God and Jesus as my savior. That is what is important. not all of this denomination nonsense.
05. occupation? college student, oboe teacher, and freelance oboist/ bassoonist e-mail me if you need a double reed player in south or central Florida!

01. hair? light brown with blonde highlights, wavy (can be sometimes curlier or straighter), a couple inches past my shoulders
02. eyes? very dark brown
03. height? 5'8"
04. weight? none of your damn business
05. figure? not too fat, not too thin

01. clothing? I am most comfortable running around in tie-dye and sandals, if any shoes. I do enjoy getting all dolled up every now and then.
02. music? All sorts... in particular Aerosmith, the Beatles, classical music (especially anything that features the oboe), classic rock, rap, R&B, swing
03. makeup? I really enjoy makeup, but I rarely exert the effort of putting it on. Besides, my skin gets mad at me if I wear it on a daily basis.
04. body art? Definitely...a great form of expression! 6 piercings and 3 tattoos. My pride and joy is the oboe that runs down my spine.

01. wearing? pajamas, the next best thing to being naked
02. listening to? the Big Ones CD just finished playing
03. thinking of? Chris, as usual.
04. feeling? sore... I wish the knots in my back would go away.

01. bought? gasoline
02. did? Before I signed online? Wow, that was a while ago. I am really a mouse potato today. I think the last thing I did before I got sucked into the computer was call RJ.
03. ate & drank? Some yummy pork and rice that my mom made. I am drinking a glass of water right now.
04. read? undoubtedly a textbook. I really should make more time for pleasure reading.
05. watched on TV? hmm, I watched part of the Steelers game with my dad earlier this evening. I was curious to see what he was screaming at the TV about.

01. food? sushi
02. drink? Amaretto Sour
03. color? purple
04. shoes? hmm, probably my red strappy heels, although I only have a few outfits with which to wear them.
05. dance? Swing dancing! I live for it!
06. vegetable? oh veggies are great! probably carrots
07. fruit? oranges (since strawberries are covered in the next question)
08. berry? strawberries

3:19 AM [+]

Stupid People On the Road!!

Went home today for the holidays. Had a ridiculously long trip. I still don't understand why people must stop and gawk at accidents that have been moved to the side of the road. It is absurd!! Why does something that does not block any lanes tie up traffic for miles?? Because people are stupid and have to slow down to get a better look. Why is someone else's misfortune so fascinating to people? Why don't they realize that the traffic they have spent the last half hour swearing about was caused by stupid people like themselves? argh There is nothing that irritates me more than stupid people! Please forward out the memo to everyone you know to make a point NOT to gawk at accidents on the side of the road. You are in no way helping the victims by sitting in your car staring at them, you are just tying up traffic.

I pulled into the driveway and my dad looked at all the stuff in the car and asked, "Geez, how long are you going to be here?" "I'm moving back home, Dad." Heheheh. Honestly, I just brought the essentials... my computer, my TV (not that I watch that much television, but I really don't want to have AbFab vs. Football wars with my dad on Monday nights), my dirty laundry (which hasn't been done since Thanksgiving), my instruments. The first thing I did after I unloaded the car and finally had dinner was to set up my computer. On a card table, no less. Haven't found the cable for my TV yet. My parents have an unbelievable amount of crap in this house. I thought I was bad...

Never doubt that a small group of thoughful, committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

1:12 AM [+]

Friday, December 14, 2001

The Roseboom Performing Arts Center

While watching Brahms' Symphony No. 4 on the Ovation Network (what a great channel), JD and I were wondering what it would be like if he opened his own concert hall. The "Roseboom Performing Arts Center" would serve beer and buffalo wings. These would of course be served by "hot chicks in bikinis." Between movements, a guy would walk the aisles selling beer. Concertgoers would sit on comfy couches rather than in stiff chairs. It would be perfectly acceptable to hoot and holler for a piece that one particularly enjoyed. No pretension and stuffiness here, folks. Just a bunch of good ol' boys and half-naked women enjoying quality symphonic music. There would be a nine-day festival featuring all of the Mahler symphonies. No "pansy" music in this hall. Just imagine.

5:47 PM [+]

Sucked Into The Computer

I had a nice rest for a while until I woke up refreshed and found myself drawn back to my computer. It's such a nice day. I should be at the beach or something, but my computer keeps sucking me in. I am excited about my new blog, and I am taking baby steps to try to make something out of it. I am new to blogging now, but one day I will be among the great bloggers! It is a great feeling to be able to post my ramblings on the internet. Of course, it would be even better if I could get anyone to read this garbage. There must be some poor lost souls out there in cyberspace who are as easily amused as I am.

1:07 PM [+]

It All Starts Here...

Good morning folks. I'm not sure why I am up at this ridiculous hour. The sun is not even up yet. Finding myself awake, I started to feel sucked in by the computer. Must...send...e-mail. While I was online, I then felt sucked into Kat's blog (Pandora's Boxers). It's great to be easily amused. So then I felt inspired to compose some nonsense of my own, and here I am. I remembered that I had created a blog a few weeks ago, and had yet to make an entry (I am working on the whole attention span thing). Seems that lately school keeps getting in the way of my mouse potato time. Well, now that I am done with finals and have a 4-week break stretching out in front of me, what better time to resume my old habits? I'm not even thinking too clearly now, so if any of this comes out incoherent, please forgive me.

I am super-excited because Chris is coming to see me today! I have not seen him since Thanksgiving weekend, and I miss him a whole bunch. I am really looking forward to seeing him a lot over the break. It will be great to see my family too, and my adorable dog, Ebony! Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year, it really helps us to remember what is important in life.

Funny, I just did a spellcheck, and I find it delightfully ironic that Blogger's spellcheck does not recognize the word "blog". Once again, it is great to be easily amused. Well, I should probably sign off now and attempt to go back to sleep, or it will be a rough day ahead of me. Cheers.... a wonderful day to all!

The solution to adult problems tomorrow depends on large measure upon the how our children grow up today. There is no greater insight into the future than recognizing when we save our children, we save ourselves. Margaret Mead

7:10 AM [+]

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