If there weren't already enough signs that the world has gone completely crazy, now there's this American Idol reject, William Hung. I don't even watch American Idol, I think it's stupid, and after I heard the first winner (Kelly Clarkson) on the radio, I had no desire to listen to the winners, much less the losers. That song she sings is awful, her singing unimpressive at best. Now this guy is FAMOUS for being a LOSER? It's just bizarre. He's not even bad in the traditional sense of a mediocre singer using electronic enhancement and sex appeal to sell albums (ie Britney Spears); he's truly terrible. I just don't get it. Maybe it's because he's so little it reminds people of a child trying to sing, and is therefore adorable in that innocent, childlike way? I wonder if God is shaking his head thinking, "This is NOT what I had in mind when I created the human race."
I came home form my last orchestra concert at Purchase to find a play-doh party in my living room. Ashley and a bunch of her artist friends are filling balloons with homemade play-doh for some sort of art project. I don't even know how to describe it properly. It's chaos, but beautiful chaos. I have pictures, and I will post them soon. Having no other choice really, I am going to don my scruffiest old clothes and participate...