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Friday, August 30, 2002

The Friday Five

The Friday Five

1. What's your favorite piece of clothing that you currently own? My leather pants.

2. What piece of clothing do you most want to acquire? A new leather jacket.

3. What piece of clothing can you not bring yourself to get rid of? Why? All of my "skinny clothes" that are in my closet at my parents' house. I will fit back into them one day!

4. What piece of clothing do you look your best in? uhhh.. I don't know. My Express jeans maybe?? Tell me what you think!

5. What has been your biggest fashion accident? My teenage years.

11:38 AM [+]

Thursday, August 29, 2002

List of Gripes

OK, I know I have been doing a lot of random bitching lately, but I am going to get it all out of my system once and for all and just make a list of things I have encountered in the past week that have pissed me off.

  • Charging for local telephone calls
  • Four people crammed into a 2-person apartment
  • A crappy, inconsistent internet connection
  • No air conditioning in August
  • Spending $31 to fill up my gas tank
  • No stores in this town
  • Auditing an undergraduate history class at 8:30 AM
  • The five books that are required for my research & writing class not being in the bookstore (or any other local bookstore)
  • All the damn flies!!!

Well, I am sure there were more, but I can't think of them right at the moment. Just to look on the bright side, here are the things that make me happy:

  • Had a great lesson yesterday
  • Chris is coming to visit this weekend :-)
  • The thing we are doing tomorrow night (which I can't say, in case he reads this before that and spoils the surprise)

For the rest of you who are starting out in new places and/or doing new things, good luck to you. Keep your chin up, and remember that things will get better if you just hang in there. Be sure to come visit me in New York some time!!

8:18 PM [+]

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

They're All Gonna Die!!!

I invested in some flying insect killer, and I have been running around zapping the flies that have moved into our apartment. Scared one of my roommates with my scary face and threating them, "You're all gonna die!!" They are driving me nuts. They have got to go (the flies, not the roommates).

It is still damn hot in here. With no a/c, fall can't come soon enough. It is hotter in here than outside, even with windows open and the fan going. I think we need some more fans. I am taking donations if anyone wants to send me a fan.

9:26 PM [+]

Monday, August 26, 2002

I'm Finally Online!!

No, I have not dropped off the face of the earth. I know some of you have been worried about me. It's just that I couldn't get my internet connection working for a few days. Candice called yesterday to see if I was off partying like a rock star in the city, or just not online yet. Don't worry, I have not gone hog-wild yet!

Things certainly are different here. No A/C in the on-campus apartments. In August, it is still far too hot for that to be acceptable. Everything is damn expensive here. I spent $31 filling up my gas tank. Granted, it's a big tank, but REALLY! The campus phone service is a RIPOFF!! They charge for local calls. Unreal. I guess that's common around here, but I have never heard of it.

4:14 PM [+]

The Friday Five

The Friday Five, or shall I say Monday Five?

1. What is your current occupation? Is this what you chose to be doing at this point in your life? Why or why not? Currently, I am a graduate student Yes, this is what I would like to be doing right now. Most of the time, I enjoy being a student.

2. If time/talent/money were no object, what would your dream occupation be? Well, my goal is to be a professional oboist. I also think it would be cool to be a dolphin trainer, but that's not entirely realistic for me at this point.

3. What did/do your parents do for a living? Has this had any influence on your career choices? My mom is a nurse, and my dad is a teacher and a coach. I have never considered being a nurse because I know I would not be good at it. I may end up following in dad's footsteps to a certain degree since I do teach music.

4. Have you ever had to choose between having a career and having a family? Not yet. I am not even married yet, so having a family will come later. I am really hoping to balance both, but if I had to choose, family would definately come first.

5. In your opinion, what is the easiest job in the world? What is the hardest? Why? I knew someone was interning for NBC or something and her job was to watch TV all day and make sure certain commercials ran. That sounds pretty easy. The hardest I think would be a garbage collector. I would really hate to do that.

3:50 PM [+]

Friday, August 09, 2002

The Friday Five

The Friday Five

Very tired, but making a concerted effort to accomplish this...

1. Do you have a car? If so, what kind of car is it? A 1994 Mercury Grand Marquis. I love my grandma-mobile!

2. Do you drive very often? Pretty much on a regular basis around town & whatnot. Every now & then I make long trips to, say, North Carolina.

3. What's your dream car? I would love to have Beetle! I also love Corvettes, but if I had one, I would probably lose my license within an hour.

4. Have you ever received a ticket? HA Enough to paper my walls! I haven't gotten one in about three years, though. I'm so proud of myself!

5. Have you ever been in an accident? Yes, many. Most of them weren't my fault.... I have really bad luck. The worst was in 1996 when I was on a first date! He wasn't driving, though, his friend drove us. The driver has a broken wrist and a totalled car, the guy I was going out with had to have his face stitched up, and I had to have my knee stitched up and my face was so swollen I couldn't even put in my contacts for weeks. I really looked like a freak, it was awful. Most recently, I got in an accident last May (2001). It was two months after I had gotten my first car, a hand-me-down Oldsmobile from my parents. It was a great car, and I was so excited to finally have a car of my own. I was devastated when it was wrecked. A kid in a Honda Civic smashed into me because he took a curve too fast in the rain and lost control. Luckily, we were both OK (I just had a bit of a backache), but both cars were totalled. One time I was on a school bus on the way home from middle school (what a traumatizing time, but anyway) and the bus was stopped at a stop sign, and a car ploughed right into the back of the bus. How do you do that??? You didn't see a giant yellow bus??!! Did the brakes fail, or did he fall asleep, or was he just high on crack??

1:05 PM [+]

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

New Toy

I went into the store the other day to get some zip disks, and they happened to be on the same aisle as the CD burners. I found a CDRW drive that happened to be on sale, so I bought it. Ever since then, I have been playing with it, making all sorts of fun compilation CDs. So that's part of the reason you haven't seen a post in a few days! So I guess that's all I have to say for now. I'm going to get back to playing with my new toy. :-)

2:58 PM [+]

Friday, August 02, 2002

The Friday Five

I'm actually pretty busy today, but I can always make time for the Friday Five. I need a mental break from all of these silly forms I am making; they are tying my brain in knots!

1. What is your lineage? Where are your ancestors from? My ancestors are mostly from Germany and Ireland. The last few generations are from the Northeast of the United States, and I am the first in my family to be born in Florida!

2. Of those countries, which would you most like to visit? I would love to visit both Germany and Ireland.

3. Which would you least like to visit? Why? N/A

4. Do you do anything during the year to celebrate or recognize your heritage? Sometimes I go to Oktoberfest.

5. Who were the first ancestors to move to your present country (parents, grandparents, etc)? Several generations back, I am not sure exactly which, right offhand. It is at least as far back at great-grandparents.

10:55 AM [+]

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