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Friday, January 31, 2003

Florida Girl in the Snow!

Well, I had my first experience of getting stuck in the snow. It had to happen sooner or later. Backing out of a long, curvy driveway I ended up stuck in the snow bank, tired spinning, gripping nothing, going nowhere. I tried to dig the snow out from underneath the tires, but it didn't help. I was good and stuck. Luckily, I have AAA and they were there shortly to pull the Big Blue Monster out of the snow and set me on my way. it was a rather painless experience, aside from the initial panic, but I am glad I got it out of the way and hope I don't have to deal with that again!

Is it springtime yet??

I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.
Laura Ingalls Wilder

1:11 AM [+]

The Friday Five

Friday Five

1. As a child, who was your favorite superhero/heroine? Why? I didn't really have one. I was more of an outdoorsy child than a TV child. I was always climbing trees and stuff like that.

2. What was one thing you always wanted as a child but never got?? A treehouse.

3. What's the furthest from home you've been?? Arizona.

4. What's one thing you've always wanted to learn but haven't yet?? Foreign languages.

5. What are your plans for the weekend? ? Plans? Ha!

I think all cars should have car phones in them and the license plate should be the phone number. You would call them up and tell them to get the hell out of the way. Old people would have the 1-800 numbers. 1-800-MOVE-IT-MURRAY.
John Mendoza

1:10 AM [+]

Thursday, January 30, 2003

What's Your Inner European?

A little silly, but nevertheless amusing. :-)

You are Irish
You are a Dubliner.

What's your Inner European?
brought to you by Quizilla

Where there is great love there are always miracles.
Willa Carter

11:16 AM [+]

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Oversexed Neighbors

Every time I go into the bathroom, which is the part of my apartment right next to the neighbors, I hear the neighbor's bed sqeaking and shaking. I don't know who this guy is, but he must have more sex than Madonna. When does he go to class?? It's a wonder his dick doesn't fall off.

Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
Janis Joplin

10:01 PM [+]

Monday, January 27, 2003


1. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT LIVING ARRANGEMENT? I live in a ghetto-ass on-campus apartment where people steal doormats. I share a bedroom with one person, and there are two other people who live in single rooms. My roommates are all nice, but some of the neighbors are loud and inconsiderate.

2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? I am reading The Bell Jar, which I borrowed from Kristin.

3 FAVORITE BOARD GAME? I like Boggle, but I don't know is that's really a board game, more of a cube game. I like Scrabble too. I don't like games that realy too heavily upon luck, since I am very unlucky.

4. FAVORITE MAGAZINE? I don't really read magazines often. My parents get National Geographic, and sometimes I flip through those. They're pretty interesting. I especially enjoy the photography.

5. FAVORITE SMELLS The smell of my sweetie, fresh-baked brownies, garlic bread.

6. LEAST FAVORITE SMELL? Poop, and whatever died in my kitchen cabinets.

7. FAVORITE SOUNDS? Chris playing his flute


9. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? Do I really need to be awake yet, or can i go back to sleep for a little longer?

10. HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? Well, that all depends upon how far away the phone is and how much energy I have.

11. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? For a boy, Joseph, after my uncle. For a girl, Sunflower or Jasmine.

12. WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE? Salvation of the soul.


14. DO YOU DRIVE FAST? Haha yeah. Except when it is snowing, then I become a terrified, white-knuckled old lady going 5 MPH.


16. STORMS - COOL OR SCARY? Cool as long as I'm not driving in them.

17. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? Sniff, sniff. The Big Green Monster, R.I.P. I had a 1994 Oldsmobile Eighty-Eight. It was a great car. I only had it for two months before some idiot in a red Honda Civic plowed into me and killed my Big Green Monster.


19. ZODIAC SIGN? Aries



22. GLASS - HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? My glass is always half full... that's why I'm having such a great time! ;-)


24. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? Hockey, football, basketball.

25. SAY ONE NICE THING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS Angie is sweet, fun, and pretty. I miss having her for a neighbor!

26. WHAT IS UNDER YOUR BED? Ha! Who knows?? Empty suitcases and CD cases, among many other miscellaneous items.

27. TOILET PAPER/PAPER TOWELS - OVER OR UNDER? OVER! it drives me NUTS when they roll under!


29. LEAST LIKELY? Of course, feel free to do the survey and e-mail it to me or post it on your blog if you have one.

No one is just an anything. Each of us has gifts and talents. We need not limit ourselves by such small definitions. I know what I can do when I listen to my heart and live from there.
Geery Howe

11:21 AM [+]

Friday, January 24, 2003

The Friday Five

Friday Five

1. What is one thing you don't like about your body? My eyebrows. They're out of control. I have to use a weedwhacker to trim them.

2. What are two things you love about your body? I love that I am tall, and I love that I am a "white girl with a booty."

3. What are three things you want to change about your home? Well, if I can call this place a "home," I would like it to be cleaner, I would like to have my own room, and I would like to have better neighbors (you know, ones who don't leave broken glass on the sidewalk and steal doormats).

4. What are four books you want to read this year? I read the first Left Behind book and that was really interesting, so I would like to read some other books in that series.

5. What are five promises you have kept to yourself? I have been working out more consistently, I have been eating better food, I have been getting more sleep, I have been using my daytime minutes (on the cell phone) sparingly, uhhh.... geez, this is hard... I usually don't make too many promises (that way I won't have to break them) oh how about this: I finally cleaned my room!

Happiness can not come from without. It must come from within.
Helen Keller

11:51 AM [+]

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Right to Choose Murder?

On the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, a lot of controversy about abortion is re-surfacing.

Of course I value my freedom of choice as an American, but since when does freedom of choice include the freedom to choose murder? We don't have the right to choose to murder our neighbor or our children once they have been born, why should we have the right to choose to murder a fetus? We have enough knowledge now to understand that a fetus is a living creature. Why should we have any more right to murder him/her than a baby once it has been born?

People need to plan ahead and be more responsible about their birth control choices. There are so many reliable methods of birth control now, their is no excuse for abortion. Of course, there is always the old-fashioned way too... abstinence until a couple is READY to have a child! We need to educate people, especially young people, about birth control and responsibility. Creating another life, whether intentional or not, is their responsibility. Abortion should not be an option. If it weren't, people would be forced to make better decisions. When a woman has another living creature inside of her womb, its become more than just her body.

It is true that a pregnancy is just as much a man's responsibility as a woman's, but the fact remains that women are given the gift, as well as the responsibilty, of being the ones to physically carry the child. Men should certainly be held accountable for making responsible decisions about conception, but ultimately and realistically, it is the woman who has to live with these choices.

Why has this issue of abortion become a religious issue? It does not take religion to realize that murder is wrong! Anyone with morals, a conscience, and an appreciation for justice, whether or not they hold any religious beliefs, should be able to understand why abortion is wrong!

The rape excuse is so overused it has become ridiculous. Rape is indeed a horrible crime, and rapists should be punished severely. However, the unborn baby did nto commit the crime, and should not be punished for it. He/she has the right to due process just as people who have been born. Murdering an unborn baby that may be a result of a rape does not erase the crime. A woman who is raped will carry painful memories and scars throughout her life whether or not she conceives and bears a child. Rape is awful, but is no excuse for murdering an innocent fetus. The rapist, not the unborn child, should be the one to pay for the crime. Rape is a sorry excuse for abortion since most rapes do not result in pregnancies.


Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.
Mother Teresa

1:56 PM [+]

Tuesday, January 21, 2003


Thanks to Yvonne for being the first one to sign my Guestmap. All the way from Poland! Now you sign it too... go ahead, don't be shy! It won't bite... hard. ;-)

Change your thoughts and you change your world.
Norman Vincent Peale

5:40 PM [+]

New Year's Resolutions

How silly are New Year's resolutions? Really. Does anyone ever keep them? What is the point in setting unrealistic goals for oneself? Thing that you never accomplished last you, all of a sudden you will have a magical power to do now that it's a new year? Yeah, right. You've been a chain-smoker for 10 years, and you'll suddenly stop smoking for good just because you've put a new calendar on your wall? Riiiight. You've spent your whole life scarfing cheeseburgers and guzzling beer in front of the idiot box, and now that you're dating your checks 2003 you're going to magically become a tofu-eating, treadmill-running health nut? Unlikely.

The whole concept of the New Year's resolution is just so silly. By the holidays are over and you're back to the grind at work, beginning a new semester at school, and the holiday bills are rolling in, that "resolution" takes a backseat to all the other chaos. Sure it was fun to make that "resolution" on New Year's Day: after hugging, kissing, laughing, and watching the ball drop with your close friends and family, with a slight champagne buzz, anything seems easy to accomplish. But when February 1 rolls around, will you even remember that "resolution?" Certainly by April, as tax time rolls closer, that "resolution" will be long forgotten, and the bad habits will back back in full force.

Of course I am by no means discouraging people from setting goals to improve upon themselves. I think self-improvement is a wonderful goal. However, if one really wishes to improve oneself, it would certainly be a better idea to come up with a more gradual, realistic, systematic plan for accomplishing goals, rather than to realy on something so arbitraty and meaningless as a New Year's resolution.

My folks moved to Florida this year, but they didn't want to move to Florida. But they're in their sixties and that's the law.
Jerry Seinfeld

5:11 PM [+]

Friday, January 17, 2003

Friday Five

1. Where do you currently work? Work? Ha! It's Friday, you ain't got no job, you ain't got s*@t to do! Well, I teach music lessons, maybe not enough to really say I have a job. Also, I'm a student, and that's a job.

2. How many other jobs have you had and where? Oh geez, several. Highly glamorous jobs at Publix, Einstein Bros. Bagels, and Dodge. I've also worked at the Florida International Festival, a music festival in Daytona, and that was actually pretty interesting. I've also done temp work, so that has put me at a lot of different places. Temp work is nice, because you're never at any one place long enough to get sick of the people you work with.

3. What do you like best about your job? When I am teaching, I really enjoy when a kid catches on to something, really figures something out. It's neat to see thier eyes light up and get excited when they know they can play something well. It makes me feel like I've accomplished something and am actually making a worthwhile contribution.

4. What do you like least about your job? My least favorite thing about being a student, right at this moment, is having to live somewhere it's really really cold and being very far away from my friends and family, particularly my sweetie.

5. What is your dream job? Anything that involves getting paid to make music with my sweetie, live in a warm climate, and have enough money to not have to worry about making ends meet.

I had to stop drinking alcohol because I used to wake up nude on the hood of my car with my keys up my ass.
Robin Williams

1:08 AM [+]

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Tea at the Plaza

I had a wonderful time in Florida, spent a lot of great time with my family and Chris, visited a few other friends, but all too soon it came to a close and I had to board the plane back to New York. I left gorgeous 75 degree sunny weather to come back to this frigid place. Sigh.

The flight back here was an adventure itself. I flew out of West Palm and connected in Orlando. When I changed planes in Orlando, I got on the plane that matched my flight number, which I thought was going straight from Orlando to LaGuardia. When they announced the flight going to Raliegh-Durham, I was somewhat confused, because I was not aware of any stops. I double-checked the flight number on my boarding pass, and it was correct, and then I heard my name called for boarding that flight, so I got on it. When I got on, the flight attendant told me, "This plane is only going to Raliegh-Durham, not LaGuardia. You're on the wrong plane." So I got off the plane, and there was someone there with a list that said the plane would be going to LaGuardia after stopping in Raliegh-Durham, and I got back on. Needless to say, I was somewhat confused. It also occurred to me that it was odd that, even though it was a small plane (50 passengers) no one else was continuing on to New York. The whole flight I was extremely nervous, wondering what on earth I would do if I were stuck in Raliegh! It turned out OK, because when I got to Raliegh-Durham, there was indeed a connecting flight to LaGuardia, but I was a little nervous when I saw my luggage coming off the plane. I checked and made sure that they would not leave my luggage there, and they told me they take all the luggage off the plane, and they would put mine back on. I am grateful to say that both my luggage and I arrived safely in LaGuardia airport, right on time (nearly 5 hours after I left West Palm Beach). From now on, I will make sure to book a direct flight with no connections. That was just entirely too stressful.

Coming back to New York a few days before classes began turned out to be a good idea, though. It turns out that Melissa is in New York this week, and I went into the city to meet up with her. It was so much fun seeing her, especially in NYC! She took me to tea at the Plaza, and that was quite an experience. It was so nice, and so peaceful. The room was gorgeous, and it had the first palm trees I had seen outside of Florida. There was a harpist playing background music, and it was so beautiful and peaceful. She was quite good, and she played good music. While we were there, Melissa ran into someone she knew from the University of Tampa! How funny to be in New York City and run into someone you know from Florida! It's a small world after all. She tols me that when she lived in New York, she used to run into people she knew all the time. Apparently, New York is just a REALLY big small town!

I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I only lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three.
Elayne Boosler

6:09 PM [+]

Friday, January 10, 2003

The Friday Five

Friday Five

1. Where are you right now? At my parents' house in Florida, where it's warm and sunny. :-)

2. What time is it? 4:09 PM EST

3. What are you wearing? Jeans and a pink shirt.

4. Any people or animals around you? Describe them. My parents and my dog are in the next room. My parents are a middle-aged white couple, and my dog is a black cocker spaniel who is absolutely adorable, except when she is licking her butt.

5. What are your plans for the weekend? Well, tonight I am going out with Chris, and tomorrow we are going to a car show. We'll proabably end up watching videos later tomorrow as I do laundry and pack. Unfortunately, on Sunday, I have to fly back to cold, gloomy New York (where there are probably only about 10 people left in the state since virtually everyone from NY and NJ is in south Florida right now).

What boring questions ths week.

4:21 PM [+]

Friday, January 03, 2003

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a wonderful New Year's Day, and that 2003 will be a great year for all of us! I had a nice time on New Year's Eve. Chris came over, and my mom threw a little party. We played games and ate tasty food and it was a lot of fun. For dinner on New Year's Day, I went to Chris's house, and his mom made a delicious meal. I've gotten to spend a lot of time with my sweetie lately, and it's been wonderful. :-) The weather has been gorgeous, sunny and warm. I love Florida!

Here's the Friday Five:

1. Do you wear any jewelry? What kind? Yes, I love jewelry! I wear necklaces, bracelets, watches, rings, earrings, and a navel ring. My newest piece is a silver bracelet that Chris have me. It has a heart with our names engraved on it hanging from the bracelet, and it's very pretty!

2. How often do you wear it? I wear some of it on a daily basis, some of it I save for special occasions. The navel ring I never take out.

3. Do you have any piercings? If so, where? Yes, I have earrings and a navel ring. I used to have an eyebrow ring, but not anymore. Sometimes I miss it.

4. Do you have any tattoos? If so, where? Yes, I have an oboe running down my spine.

5. What are your plans for the weekend? Well, tonight I am going out to dinner with my family to celebrate my brother's birthday, even though it's a few weeks early, since we are all in one place right now. The rest of the weekend, I am not sure yet. Give me a holler if you want to do something!

1:56 PM [+]

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