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Monday, September 30, 2002

Working Out

I did my Pilates (a mat workout) video today. That was an interesting experience, in this little cubby hole of an apartment. I had to move the furniture around, and I still ended up kicking things. I guess Tae Bo is out of the question.

I was looking at some archives before, and I remembered that I used to do a quote of the day feature. Perhaps I should resurrect that tradition.

9:21 PM [+]


I haven't had a hangover in quite some time, since I haven't even drank since July, but this brings back some (vague) memories of times past. I'm sure this will sound familiar to many of you, too!!

1 star hangover(*)

No pain. No real feeling of illness. Your sleep last night was a mere disco
nap which has given you a whole lot of misplaced energy. Be glad that you are
able to function relatively well. However, you are still parched. You can
drink 10 sodas and still feel this way. You are craving a steak bomb and
aside of gravy & fries.

2 star hangover(**)

No pain, but something is definitely amiss. You may look okay but you have
the mental capacity of a staple gun. The coffee you are chugging is only
exacerbating your rumbling gut, which is craving a rootie tootie fresh and
fruity pancake breakfast from IHOP. There is some definite havoc being
wrecked upon your bowels.

3 star hangover (***)

Slight headache. Stomach feels crappy. You are definitely not productive.
Anytime a girl walks by you gag because her perfume reminds you of the random
gin shots you did with your alcoholic friends after the bouncer 86'd you at
1:45 a.m. Life would be better right now if you were in your bed with a dozen
donuts and a meatball sub watching the E! Fashion awards. You've had 4 cups
of coffee, a gallon of water, 3 Snapples and a liter of diet coke -- yet you
haven't peed once.

4 star hangover (****)

Life sucks. Your head is throbbing. You can't speak too quickly or else you
might puke. Your boss has already lambasted you for being late and has given
you a lecture for reeking of booze. You wore nice clothes, but that can't
hide the fact that you missed an oh-so crucial spot shaving, (Girls, it looks
like you put your make-up on while riding the bumper cars.) Your eyes look
like one big vein and your hair style makes you look like a reject from the
class picture of Revere High, ' 76.

5 star hangover,(*****)

AKA "Dante's 4th Circle of Hell." You have a second heartbeat in your head
which is actually annoying the employee who sits in the next cube. Vodka
vapor is seeping out of every pore and making you dizzy. You still have
toothpaste crust in the corners of your mouth from brushing your teeth in an
attempt to get the remnants of the poop fairy out. Your body has lost the
ability to generate saliva, so your tongue is suffocating you. Death seems
pretty good right now. You definitely don't remember who you were with, where
you were, what you drank, and why there is a stranger still sleeping in your
bed at your other wise empty house.

6 star hangover (******)

otherwise known as the "Infinite Nutsmacker" You wake up on your bathroom
floor. For about 2 seconds you look at the ceiling, wondering if the cool
refreshing feeling on your cheek is the bathroom tile or your vomit from 5
hours ago. It is amazing how your roommate was as drunk as you, but somehow
managed to get up before you. You try to lift your head. Not an option. Then
you inadvertently turn your head too quickly and smell the funk of 13 packs
of cigarettes in your hair. Suddenly you realize you were smoking, but not
ultra lights...some jackass handed you Marlboro reds, and you smoked them
like it was your second full time job. You look in the mirror only to see
remnants of the stamp "Ready to Rock" faintly atop your forehead......the
stamp on the back of your hand that has magically appeared on your forehead
by alcoholic osmosis. You have to be to work in t-minus 14 minutes and 32
seconds and the only thing you can think of wearing is your "hello kitty"
pajamas and your slippers.

Sound Familiar???

4:28 PM [+]

Sunday, September 29, 2002

Purple Hair

I had a dream last night that I dyed my hair purple. Purple streaks, actually. Laura helped me. We went to the stored to get a highlighting kit, and at first I was going to get blonde, but then I decided on purple. It looked really cool, and now I kinda want purple hair. I told her about the dream, and she thinks I'm nuts. She said, "If you wanna do blonde highlights some time, I'll help you, but I don't know about purple..." Maybe I'll just get some of the temporary stuff that washes out. Permanent purple streaks would get old after a while anyway, in both the sense of me getting tired of them and them fading.

12:59 PM [+]

Friday, September 27, 2002

Rainy Day Musings

Another cold, wet, dreary day here in upside-down world. I saw a car in the parking lot with a Purchase College sticker on it, upside-down in the window. Carelessness or symbolism?

I uploaded the pictures of Chris and I in New York. I found the Busch Gardens pictures (they were right in my desk, where I thought they were, just had to dig a little deeper) and I will upload them, well, when I get around to it.

Onto the Friday Five.

1. What are your favorite ways to relax and unwind? I can't say...not here where everyone can read it... spoil my image...

2. What do you do the moment you get home from work/school/errands? Check my e-mail, pee.

3. What are your favorite aromatherapeutic smells? I like burning incense. I don't know the names of any of the scents, I just buy the ones that smell good.

4. Do you feel more relaxed with a group of friends or hanging out by yourself? By myself. When I am alone, I can be naked, and belch and fart all I want. If that's not total relaxation, what is??

5. What is something that you feel is relaxing but most people don't? Screaming and swearing.

Nicole (one of my roommates) found my website. Now I can't talk trash about her. The good news is, she thinks I'm funny. I love people who laugh at my jokes.

7:26 PM [+]

Thursday, September 26, 2002

Upside-Down World

This school really is upside-down world. Unreal. That's my new favorite word - unreal. It applies to so many things! We were supposed to have our first orchestra concert tonight, and this afternoon they tell us it's cancelled. Cancelled! At the last minute. The box office didn't even know as of this morning that it would be cancelled. They are doing all this construction outside of the Performing Arts Center, and apparently the screwed up the fire alarm system, and they can't allow people into the building. So it's cancelled. Just like that. We're supposed to have it next week instead, but then the flute soloist for the Foss concerto can't be there, so we will only do the Beethoven and the Rossini (No. 5 and William Tell). So that puts us behind for the rehearsals for the next concert. Everything at Purchase seems to operate in this bass-ackwards upside-down way. I feel as if I've enetered the twilight zone.

It sure gets cold here when it rains. It's all dark and dreary here in upside-down world.

We've gotten really sick of not having a phone book. Out of ideas, Laura called the operator and asked where we could get a phone book. She said to check the telecommunications office. So I went there yesterday and got one. An expired phone book. But hey, an old phone book is better than no phone book. Although, the very first thing I looked up was incorrect. Upside-down world. Unreal.

3:53 PM [+]

Sunday, September 22, 2002

Playing Catch-Up

OK, so I've been a real slacker lately about posting. Sorry. I will try to catch up now. I was meaning to make an entry early in the week about my trip last weekend, but I was just so tired, busy catching up on sleep. By now, I probably won't remember a lot of the funny details I wanted to write about, but I'll at least give a quick recap.

Well, last weekend I made the journey to North Carolina to see Chris. What a looooooooong drive! It took 12 hours. At least it was scenic, though. I drove across the farmlands of Pennsylvania, and through the mountains in Virginia. A lot more interesting that I-95. I was so happy when I crossed the Mason-Dixon line and was back in the South. I never thought I would enjoy a Southern accent so much as when I got out of the car in North Carolina to fill up my gas tank. Even though I'm from Florida and not really Southern, it made me feel a sense of comfort and ease; I felt at home. My ears were very grateful to get a break for the long weekend from being assaulted by the harsh New York accent. I just couldn't wait to get a good bowl of grits!!

It was so wonderful to see Chris. We went bowling (I was soooo bad!), went shopping, went out to dinner, and watched a movie. He let me do my laundry in his washign machines, which was great because it saved me a lot of money from the rip-off machines here at school. The apartment he shares with Annora is a luxury penthouse compared to the dump in which I reside. Maybe I should have known better than to live on-campus, but the school totally lied to me. We won't even get into that right now. So anyway, I had a wonderful time with Chris. It was nice, as always, so visit the Smoky Mountains. What a beautiful area. If the weather had been better, we would have gone kayaking. Oh well. Hopefully I will get the time (and money! I need a J-O-B) to go back before it gets too cold.

The week of school went by smoothly. Suprisingly enough, Chris came up here to visit me this weekend. Turns out, he's going to Florida to visit/ work with the folks for his fall break, and this will be his last opportunity to visit for the next several weeks, so he didn't want to miss it. Of course, it was wonderful to see him again so soon, but now I know it will be a while before I see him again.

Well, the weekend was somewhat of an adventure. Chris arrived here Friday evening, and I made some burritos, black beans, and rice for dinner. It turned out pretty tasty. We wanted to go out, and there several bars in White Plains, but nothing particularly interesting, so we asked Laura about blues clubs in the city. So we called one of the clubs and got directions. Or so we thought. We took the train into the city, and got onthe subway and headed downtown. We asked someone where to get off to find the intersection we were looking for. He was from New York, and knew one of the streets we were looking for, so we got off where he told us to. Well, we found the one street, but we were many many blocks away from the cross street we needed. We tried to get a cab, and could not find one that was unoccupied. I would never have thought it would be so hard to get a damn taxi in New York City! So we started walking. Eventually, we got a cab, and got the the place we (thought we) needed to go. Well, the club we were looking for was nowhere in sight. Apparently, it was not even in that neighborhood. We found a little bar with a live band playing, so we decided to hang out there for a while. It was fun, but somewhat disappointing since we never found the place we were looking for. The little country mice didn't do so well in the Big City this time. We found our way back to Grand Central just in time to catch the last train back to White Plains. We got about halfway back and the train we were on started chugging along really slowly and the power began to flicker on and off. About two or three stations before White Plains, we all had to get off the train and wait for another to take us home. So what should have been about a 40-minute ride back turned into well over an hour. Nevertheless, we were hungry, and stopped at the White Plains Diner for a snack.

On Saturday, the weather was great, and we really wanted to go to the beach. We had slept in pretty late, so we thought that driving to Long Island (we know how to get to Jones Beach!) would take too long and most of the daylight would be gone by the time we got there. We asked around, and no one seemed to know where a closer beach was. I guess people around here don't go to the beach much. Really, it seems like people on this campus just don't get out much. The cool thing to do around here is sit in one's room and listen to obnoxiously loud music all hours of the day and night while staring at the walls. Fun. Anyway, so we figured we could just find our way to a nearby beach. Well, finding the beach was no problem. Just a few miles northeast to the Connecticut coast brought us to a beautiful beach in no time. Only problem was that since we were not from that town, they wanted us to pay $40 to get in. I figured we'd have to pay for parking, but $40!!! Unreal!!! We got to the gate at the beach/park and they don't even sell beach passes there. That guy sent us all the way back to the city hall. The guy there was extremely rude and condescending. I tried to reason with him that there were only 2 hours left before the beach closed anyway, and perhaps he could work something out where we didn't have to pay full price? His face remained icy as he looked down his nose at us. After I had tried nicely and had been treated so rudely, I realized I had nothing to lose, and told him in no uncertain terms what I thought of their policy. Disappointed that the beach didn't work out, we still found a really nice little park by a pond, and had a little picnic there. There was not gate to the park, so they couldn't shut out us peasants. I just can't believe how people can be so rude and treat people like lesser being because they are not from your rich, snotty little town. In any case, we had a nice time at the park, despite everything else.

That night, we rented The Out-of-Towners. It was comforting to see people wandering around New York even more clueless than we were. Quite a funny movie. He left this morning, and I am alone once again. Well, alone with three other roommates in this little cubby. I should go outside and study, enjoy the nice weather whie it lasts!

3:29 PM [+]

The Friday Five

Friday Five

1. Would you say that you're good at keeping in touch with people? Well, it depends. I am good at keeping in touch via e-mail, but snail mail not so great. Although if you write me, I will write back eventually. I feel that it would be rude not to.

2. Which communication method do you usually prefer/use: e-mail, telephone, snail mail, blog comments, or meeting in person? Why? Well, they each have their own individual purposes. E-mail seems to be the most efficient for the price. I hardly ever use the telephone except to call Chris. In fact, I really don't like talking on the phone unless it is a good friend whose voice I want to hear (feel free to call me... you know if you're someone I want to hear from). Of course, I would rather than anything see someone in person, but unfortunately most of my friends are hundreds of miles away now. I just moved, and most people here just aren't all that friendly. Just not my kind of peeps. So if anyone wants to come visit me, I would be so very happy!! You can crash in my living room. There is so much to do around here, we'd have a lot of fun! Anyway, I'm getting off track. Snail mail is nice to have something tangible to keep, like a card, especially if it's someone's birthday or something. You can't pin a phone call on your bulletin board, and you can print out an e-mail, but it's just not the same. Blog comments are good for someone who posts and checks comments regularly, especially if I know a lot of the other readers, too.

3. Do you have an instant messenger program? How many? Why/why not? How often do you use it? Yes, I have AIM. Although it doesn't work all of the time now because my internet connection sucks. I like using IM a lot because it's the next best thing to actually talking to someone, and it's cheaper than using the phone. If I'm just making small talk and not in an intense conversation, I can chit-chat with a few people at once. It's nice to get little messages throughout the day, too. :-)

4. Do most of your close friends live nearby or far away? Far, far away. :-( (See question 2)

5. Are you an "out of sight, out of mind" person, or do you believe that "distance makes the heart grow fonder"? Well, that's not something I can generalize. It depends entirely upon the person and the circumstances. If someone is far away, and makes an effort to keep in touch, I belive it really says something about our friendship that someone cares to keep in touch. However, I have given up trying hard to keep in touch with a friend who doesn't put in equal effort. I have been through that too many times, and it has gotten really old. No matter how close we used to be, if I continually try to keep in touch and visit someone who never returns the effort, I am not going to keep stressing myself to pull the whole weight of the friendship. In other words, no more walking on Stephanie.

2:31 PM [+]

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Very Tired

Much to say, but too tired to say it. I will post tomorrow. Sorry to leave you in suspense, dear readers.

9:25 PM [+]

Friday, September 13, 2002

What's Up With Florida???

I have been feeling kind of disconnected to my home state lately. On the news, I keep hearing about the primaries for NY governor, and I wonder what is going on in Florida. I find it strange that the news I keep hearing really has no relevance to me since I am still registered to vote in Florida. I feel like a foreigner. However, tonight I turned on the news and the first thing I heard about was Florida! I was excited at first, and then I realized that if they were talking about Florida's governor elections on the national news, something must be wrong. Apparently Florida has still not learned how to run an election. Come on, people! Don't make me ashamed of where I am from! Really, get it together.

6:50 PM [+]

The Friday Five

The Friday Five

1. What was/is your favorite subject in school? Why? Music, of course. I always enjoyed drama as well, when my schedule afforded me the luxury of taking it. I love to perform, and I enjoy anything that involves the arts and self-expression.

2. Who was your favorite teacher? Why? Mr. St. Laurent, my band director in high school, was one of my favorites. I am sure there are others who deserve mention as well.

3. What is your favorite memory of school? Performing, "My Friend Stephanie" by Roger Dunson in tenth grade. It was lots of fun. Even if my dad did roll his eyes at us.

4. What was your favorite recess game? I loved the tire swing. Four-square was really fun too.

5. What did you hate most about school? I hated how kids (especially in middle school) were so mean to each other. Also I hated how over-crowded and dirty my high school was. It was really gross, and nearly impossible to navigate the hallways.

11:40 AM [+]

Thursday, September 12, 2002

I *Heart* New York

Well, I am really trying to. Give me the credit of putting in an honest effort. I have hoped that finding some fun things to do will make me appreciate the place more. The Yankees game last night was a lot of fun. I found it amazing to see an actual audience at a baseball game. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen at Marlins games. Speaking of the Marlins, they got the tar beat out of them by the Phillies last night. 9-2. Sad. The Yankees did finally win in the eleventh inning, though. I thought it would never end! It was neat how they did a lot of tribute stuff for the 9-11 anniversary. I called my mom when Daniel Rodriguez (the NYPD officer who sings) was singing America the Beautiful for the seventh inning stretch. Of course, she was watching the game on TV. I told that I was wearing my Stetson sweatshirt (do you believe it's already getting cold here??? I guess NY hasn't gotten the memo that fall starts on the 23rd), so look for the little green dot all the way at the top behind home plate on the 3rd base side. That'll be me. She thought that was cool that I called her from Yankee Stadium. I called Chris during the tenth inning too. I gave him a play-by-play for about half an inning. Apparently, they don't have cable in Sylva, NC, or at least not widespread enough to be affordable.

I had a good time also when Chris and I went into the city. That whole day was kind of a surreal experience though. Manhattan is so unlike anything I have ever seen before. I felt like I was in a theme park rather than in a real place where real people live. It was bizarre. One thing I like about here better than Florida (in fact, the reason I left Florida to come here) is that the arts, well, exist. I really am missing the warm weather though. It's in the 60s today, during the daylight!! Eek! Laura is flying to Puerto Rico tonight. Nice warm, beaches. I'll be going to North Carolina this weekend, and it is significantly warmer there. Hopefully we'll do some fun outdoorsy activity like kayaking or something.

Well, I am just not staying focused on my topic. My mind keeps wandering. I must be hungry. Going to make dinner now.

6:46 PM [+]

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

It's a Windy Day in the Neighborhood

I was really blown away today. I don't mean by all of the events of the day, I mean literally blown away! I feel like I am back at home and a hurricane is blowing in, only it's really sunny. Leaves, twigs, branches (also dust and pollen... torture on the allergies!) blowing all over. Weird weather. Maybe it's symbloic in some way. All of the chaos caused by the wind, yet the sun is still shining. Maybe I have just been watching too much TV today.

Being in New York (even though I am not in the city) on the first anniversary of the September 11 tragedies is a little weird. One of my roommates had a close friend who was in one of the towers, and had to run out. On the way out, he dropped his phone, and she couldn't get a hold of him for hours, and she was panicked. Luckily, it turned out that he was OK. She was in Manhattan at the time, and her mom had called her up and ordered her not to even leave her apartment. How weird that must have been. It was strange even from Florida. I can't even imagine what it must have been like to be so close. Chris and I walked past "ground zero" (I hate that term, it's so media-hype. I'll just say the former site of the WTC) when we were in the city. Really, it's just a big empty construction lot now. It was creepy, though, thinking that enormous towers used to stand there, and now they don't. I had never seen them before, otherwise I am sure it would have affected me much more strongly. Laura (my roommate) is going into Manhattan tonight, and so are two of my neighbors. I don't think I can handle that. The school is sponsoring a trip to the Yankees game tonight for just $5. That's more my speed. I am sure they will do a tribute there. I have seen the Yanks before at Pro Player Stadium, but I have never been to Yankee Stadium Before. Should be exciting.

Well, I guess that's all I have to say about that. I hope it's not too cold tonight at the ball game, with all the wind and whatnot. Please say a prayer today for the world. For hope, peace, love, understanding, and tolerance. Check out the prayer page in Steph's World, or say your own.

4:34 PM [+]

Sunday, September 08, 2002

It's Good to be Easily Amused

Still reading The Onion. This one had me hysterical:

    Liver Flees George Jones' Body
    NASHVILLE, TN—After more than 40 years of absorbing vast quantities of hard alcohol, George Jones' liver finally fled the famed country singer's body Tuesday. "I can't take it anymore," the liver said. "A liver can only process so many toxins before it says to hell with it." Jones' liver absorbed its final drink early Tuesday morning, a bourbon and branch water that Jones had with some eggs for breakfast. Until it can find a place of its own, Jones' liver plans to share an apartment with Merle Haggard's liver and Hank Williams Jr.'s lungs.

10:02 PM [+]

Is Anyone Really This Stupid??

No matter how many stories I read or hear about stupid people, there are some things that still amaze me. I read the following at The Onion.

    KKK Member Struggles To Blame Blacks For His Hangover

    SWAINSBORO, GA—Buford Anderson, a member of the Swainsboro chapter of the Ku Klux Klan, struggled to find a way to blame blacks for his wicked hangover Monday. "I believe the Nigra [sic] has conspired to hang me over with alcohol, even if I can't rightly prove it just at this moment," said Anderson, who had consumed a fifth of Jim Beam whiskey the previous night. "I done called the Jim Beam hotline to see if any of the board of directors is of the colored persuasion, but so far I'm inconclusive." Last December, Anderson blamed the "Jew-run media" for a paper cut sustained while reading TV Guide.

I fear that people of this sort may in fact exist. Shudder.

9:41 PM [+]

Friday, September 06, 2002

The Friday Five

The Friday Five on time this week, if my internet connection holds up...

1. What is your biggest pet peeve? Why? Inconsiderate people, especially on the road. It really doesn't take that much effort to be polite and considerate.

2. What irritating habits do you have? I bite my nails. I am sure there are others.

3. Have you tried to change the irritating habits or just let them be? Well, yeah, who wants to be irritating? The nail-biting thing I have just accepted. My nails are weak and don't really grow anyway, so what difference does it make? I do try to refrain from it when Chris is around, though, because he hates it.

4. What grosses you out more than anything else? Why? That nasty, smelly dumpster outside my building that has garbage on the ground all around it. It's gotten better though since I put up those signs. Roaches are really gross too. Luckily, there are not a whole lot of them around here. Just the DAMN FLIES!!!

5. What one thing can you never see yourself doing that other people do? Constitantly smoking, needing a cigarette, being addicted. Gross.

2:05 PM [+]

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Where Are We???

Last night I took a ride with Laura. We went to Bed Bath & Beyond, and I got some new non-flannel sheets. I should have known that the school was lying about the extra-long mattresses and brought more sheets, but all I brought are the flannel ones, and with no A/C in September, it is way too hot for flannel. So they had some nice light cotton sheets on sale, and I bought some. They're pretty too. White with pink roses, go pretty well with my comforter. Anyway, after we got done there looking at all the nice things we couldn't afford (who *really* spends $35 on a toothbrush holder??), we were on our way back to campus and she wanted to go to Connecticut for cigarettes since they are cheaper there than in New York (Where is Discount Market when you need it???). We are only a mile or two from the border, so it was a pretty reasonable thing to do. Well, we went to Connecticut Liquors, which is just down the street from campus, but they didn't have the brand she smokes. They gave us directions to a grocery store (another store!) not far away, so we went there. On the way over there, I saw a sign that said, "Welcome to New York, the Empire State," and she says, "Crap! Now they will be expensive!" So we drive through a residential neighborhood with no stores in sight and ponder the possibility that perhaps we made a wrong turn, or didn't count the traffic lights properly, and finally we see the store. As we pull into the parking lot, I notice a post office. It's dark, but I think I see CT on the wall and tell Laura, "We may be back in Connecticut! I thought I saw CT on the wall of that post office! Of course, it is entirely possible that I am hallucinating." She walks up to a guy in the parking lot and says, "Excuse me, I know this may sound weird, but where are we?" He looks at us like we'rer from another planet. "Uhh... you're in Greenwich." Of course, not very helpful since we didn't know what state Greenwich is in. Although is does sound more Connecticut than New York. So she asked him what state we're in, with this totally lost look on her face, and he continues to look at us like we're insane moron aliens while informing us that (DUH) we are in Connecticut. By now, I feel pretty silly, and I walk away laughing. When Laura catches up to me, I tell her we're in the State of Confusion. I explain to her later that it is a pretty weird feeling for me to end up in some random state and not know where I am. Living at the bottom of a long peninsula for most of my life, that doesn't happen all that often (with of course the exception of the Tennessee incident).

I found this link to Jerry Springer: The Opera on Kat's page. I laughed hysterically for 15 minutes straight. My roommates must think I am completely insane. And I was trying so hard to keep it a secret! Guess that cat's out of the bag now.

Ben sent me this link about Angie and her position as FAU's drum major. I thought that was pretty cool.

1:12 PM [+]

Labor Day Weekend

I had the most fabulous Labor Day Weekend. Chris drove 12 hours from western North Carolina to come see me. I surprised him with tickets to the Aerosmith concert. I had been torturing him for a month about this surprise I had planned, and he was really happy (and very surprised) that it turned out to be the Aerosmith concert. So as soon as he got he, we schlepped over to Long Island and enjoyed an incredible concert. They played a lot of old stuff, and did some blues, and it was really neat. What was weird was the crowd was dead. Even Steven Tyler said, "New York, you're awfully quiet out there." Well, I tried to make enough noise for everyone, but there is only so much one person can do. So who cares if everyone else was just sitting around looking zombie-fied, I was up singing along, dancing, yelling, and having a blast. It was really strange, though. I have never seen that before. In Florida, you would never go to a major rock concert and see people sitting around not having a good time. Really, I have been to classical concerts where the audience was rowdier.

On Saturday, we went into the city. We went to the Statue of Liberty, ate in Little Italy, and went to Times Square. It was a lot of fun. It was Chris' first time in NYC, and only my second, so it was pretty exciting. We were like two little country mice in the big city. We didn't even get lost! Many thanks to Laura, one of my roommates, for the maps she lent us.

The rest of the weekend was spent mostly just chillin', and it was cool. Unfortunately, the weather sucked. It was rainy, chilly, and gloomy. No barbequing for us. Well, we made some chicken on the Foreman grill... It was so wonderful to see him. He really is my angel.

I AM SO SICK OF THESE DAMN FLIES!!! There is nothing we can do to get rid of them!! We have been spraying flying insect killer, keeping the door shut, taping up the holes in the screens (yes, I live in the ghetto), but nothing is working. I keep trying to smash them, but they are so fast. I broke a nail trying to kill one, and that really pissed me off, because I just had them done on Friday, and they looked so nice. It is so disgusting. The buzz in my ear while I am trying to sleep, they land on my food while I am trying to cook, they swarm around EVERYWHERE. I tried to find a fly swatter, but they did not have one in the store. I guess the next step is to find another store (easier said than done). I was hoping that the bugspray would solve the problem, but it hasn't gotten us very far. Spraying it directly at them seems to knock them out, but killing them one at a time doesn't accomplish a whole lot. We tried fumigating the place, and that didn't work. I stalk them with the spray bottle and threaten them, "You sons of bitches are all gonna die!!" The bottle says, "outdoor fresh scent." My ass.

11:32 AM [+]

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