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Thursday, December 26, 2002

The Friday Five

I just looked at this and realized that my last post was also the Friday Five, so it's been about a week. I've been so busy, the time has flown by! Chrismas was great. Chris, Annora, and I played at midnight mass and then 8 AM mass, so I was quite tired. Went home after church, and had a nice time with my family. Grandma fell and had to go to the hospital, but she was OK, just some brusing, nothing broken. I have thanked God at least a hundred times since then, because we are so lucky it wasn't worse! Her being OK was the best Christmas gift. I've been working, doing office work by day and helping out with a children's program at a hotel by night. Keeps me busy, but it will be nice to go back to school with a little bit of money, especially since everything is so damn expensive there. I see how much it's been snowing, and I think about what a shame it would be if there was a snowstorm when I'm supposed to fly back and I got stuck in Florida for a few extra days (weeks...) Oh, I'd be heartbroken. Speaking of weather, it was cold here today! In the 50s! I sure hope it warms back up! At least it was nice and sunny. Yeah, I got such a chance to appreciate that trapped in a tall office building with no windows. It was nice to watch the sunset at the beach, though (at the hotel). Very pretty.

I thought it would be sad to see no links to others' sites on the Friday Five page, but I don't miss all of the silly, "Look I am the first to post." Yeah, that got old after a while. Also, the apolgies for posting late (although I must admit my own guilt in the matter). No one really gives a crap. There are no Friday Five police who are going to lock you up if you don't post until Sunday. Anyway, onto the 'five and then to bed!

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year? Surviving my first semester of grad school!

2. What was your biggest disappointment? HA! Where do I even begin? Do I only get to pick one?? I guess my housing assignment, the teensy-tiny one-bedroom apartment with four people and rickety bunk beds. More of an outrage than a disappointment, though.

3. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions? Eh, probably not. No one ever keeps those anyway. i try to improve myself in small ways throughout the year rather than setting one enormous impractical goal at the beginning.

4. Where will you be at midnight? Do you wish you could be somewhere else? I really don't know. I have no definite plans yet.

5. Aside from (possibly) staying up late, do you have any other New Year's traditions? Well, I usually drink profusely, but I won't be doing that this year. I will however keep the tradition of behaving badly, I am fully capable of acting like a loon while sober. :-) I will also be keeping the tradition of NOT singing that stupid, annoying Auld Lang Syne song that makes no damn sense anyway. Hmmm, what other traditions? Oh yeah, the eating unhealthy yet tasty snack foods late at night.

11:48 PM [+]

Saturday, December 21, 2002

The Friday Five

1. What holiday or holidays do you celebrate this time of year? Christmas, you know, the holiday formerly known as the birth of Christ.

2. What was the best gift you have ever received? Salvation!

3. What was the worst gift you've ever given? I don't give bad gifts! Damn, you're lucky to get ANY gift from my broke ass.

4. Where will you be celebrating the holidays? Are you hosting? Going away? At my parents' house in Florida.

5. If you could spend the holidays with someone who isn't around, who would it be with? Why? I'd like to have Uncle Joe back; I miss him.

12:24 AM [+]

Friday, December 20, 2002

Top Ten Things I Did Not Miss About Florida

  1. old people driving 15 MPH
  2. Nascar fans with the racer's number plastered all over their cars
  3. New Yorkers (can't get away from them)
  4. infinite road construction
  5. less than brilliant people (duh, how do you read a ballot?)
  6. flamingo lawn ornaments
  7. frizzy hair from the humidity
  8. thunderstorms
  9. Confederate flags

    12:33 PM [+]

Top Ten Things I Missed About Florida

  1. sunshine
  2. warm weather
  3. living near Chris
  4. the beach
  5. palm trees
  6. leaves on the trees
  7. everything is GREEN
  8. seeing family & friends
  9. fresh squeezed orange juice
  10. Cuban food, yummy!

    12:19 PM [+]

Sunday, December 15, 2002

I Love Florida!!!

I'm back in Florida, and it's so nice!! Everything is GREEN and there are leaves on the trees! Amazing! It's warm here. :-) Well, warm compared to New York, but a little chilly by Florida standards! hehe There is plenty of orange juice to drink, and it's not $5 a bottle! It's supposed to warm up this week, and I am going to the BEACH! The only down side is that my hair is starting to frizz again! Darn humidity. I wonder what my reeds will do... They sure won't dry out and warp!

1:38 PM [+]

Saturday, December 14, 2002

Going Home!

I am so excited! The day is finally here! I am going home to Florida! It will be the first time I have been home, and seen my family, since August! No cold weather for a month. :-) No papers to write for a month!! Woohoo! I'm flying home, and it's such a task to fit everything I need for a month in just a few suitcases. Oy! The thing I fear most about flying is not crashing or hijacking or anything like that (I actually feel safer flying than driving... especially in White Plains, they have a special breed of idiots on the road), but having my luggage lost. I am taking a direct flight down with no stops from NY to West Palm Beach, so that should minimize the chance of lost luggage, right? I just don't need that kind of hassle.

Sunny Florida here I come!! Those of you in Florida, definately give me a holler!

11:18 AM [+]

Happy Birthday Superfluous Hullabaloo!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear blog!
Happy birthday to you!

My blog turns a year old today! The first entry was exactly a year ago. Wow, it's come a long way since then. Even looks different.

Soon I will be on my way back to Florida! woohoo!

12:01 AM [+]

Tuesday, December 10, 2002


On Sunday night, I watched another movie with Kristin, Amélie. Really a great movie. It's about a quirky French girl who makes a habit of secretly helping people. She has a lot of her own issues that she really needs to deal with, and doesn't, but in the end everything works out. It's really clever, and there are some twists that are just so funny! I usually don't have the patience for movies with subtitles, but this was definitely worth it.

4:59 PM [+]

Saturday, December 07, 2002

Salsa-Dancing With My Confusion

I just watched the movie Waking Life. I feel as though I have just been mind-fucked. I don't even know how to describe it. It's what I imagine an acid trip would be like. Parts of it were very interesting and thought-provoking. At times, I wanted to get up and walk away because I didn't think I could take it anymore, but I just couldn't. I found the parts about dreams very interesting. The concept of lucid dreams is just so fascinating to me.

11:07 PM [+]

Fortune Cookie

I got a fortune cookie today that said, "You will attract cultured and artistic people to your home."

11:01 PM [+]

Bigger Freak Than I

Just to prove that I am not the biggest freak in the universe, go read about Kat. (Kat, if you are reading this, I mean that is the most loving way possible. Kind of like the time you said to me, "Will you be playing bassoon in band this semester? I hope so - I don't want to be last chair.)

6:28 PM [+]

Mental Break

I need a mental break from this paper! I am writing a paper on Impressionism in music, and how it was impacted by Impressionist art and Symbolist poetry. I have done so much complex thinking that I am forgetting how to do simple things. I know it's time for a mental break when I forget how to spell simple words. I don't mean making the usual typos, I mean actually forgetting how to spell them. My brain is that fried. it's sad.

I must take a minute to comment on how grateful I am for computers, though. I love how easy it is on a computer to take entire paragraphs and re-arrange them. I would go absolutely bananas if I had to write in the pre-computer days and such editing would require re-typing entire pages. I would be sitting in a pile of crumpled paper with bleeding fingers and hair ripped out of my head. I am certain that I would have been dragged off to the funny farm before it was all over. I do recall writing one or two papers in fifth grade on a manual (not even electric!) typewriter before my family got a computer, so I do have at least a vague idea what that involves. I remember writing a paper on the Sons of Liberty and thinking how cool it was that the letters "erty" were right in a row and so easy to type. The thesaurus (I remember when I used to think that was a type of dinosaur!) is a great tool tool. Otherwise, I would have the word "depict" in my paper about 433 times. Gotta spice things up a little.

There is still a blanket of snow outside, and for the most part, it still looks beautiful. Only small parts of it have turned into dirty brown slush. I am still in awe of it, and I have to look out my window every now and then to make sure it's still there and remind myslef of what it looks like.

Well, I suppose I should get back to my paper. Or maybe go make some dinner or something. Please keep me in your thoughts and send me some mental energy.

6:16 PM [+]


Hey, who left a blank entry in my guestbook? >:-0 Speaking of which, I believe there are some of you regular readers out there who still haven't signed the guestbook! Go ahead, don't be shy! Even if this is your first time here... sign it!

Also, have you noticed the guestmap? You have to check it out, it's pretty groovy.

12:44 PM [+]

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Winter Wonderland

I woke up this morning and looked out the window and it was snowing!! Everything everywhere was covered in pure, soft, white powder. It's absolutely magical - a real winter wonderland. I can't even see how grungy the campus looks, it looks like a whole different place, all covered in the wite stuff. I was so awed, I just stared out the window and watched it snow. I called Nicole, and she told me to go outside and experience it, so I put on my coat (over my pj's!) and boots and went outside and enjoyed the freash, falling snow. It was falling pretty heavily, and a few inches had already accumulated.

I thought I was stay inside and work on my paper, since there was nothing else to do, but the snow was too distracting. I had to call my mom and tell her all about the snow, and I called Chris and told him too. Melissa called, and I told her all about the snow too, and she was jealous because she misses it! Mom told me she had sent me a care package, so I went to go try to pick it up, and the mailroom was closed. So I went to visit the old roomies, and Nicole and I ended up playing in the snow. We made snow angels! It was my first time ever making a snow angel. How fun. We tried to throw snowballs at each other, but the snow was so powdery and fluffy that it really didn't hold together in balls so well, so we ended up just throwing around snow fluff. It ended up snowing pretty much all day, and we had about 6 inches of it before it stopped. It is so pretty the way it catches in the tree branches. Good thing I didn't have to drive anywahere, because I can barely see my car!

I feel like such a kid. It is great to be easily amused!

10:20 PM [+]

Monday, December 02, 2002

Internet Addiction

For those of you who have accused me of having a problem, I will have you know that I took the Internet Addict Test and I am only a slight internet addict. So there!!

I am 38% Internet Addict

I could go either way. Deep into the madness of nights filled with coding CGI-Scripts and online role playing games, or I could become a normal user. Good luck!

Take the Internet Addict Test at

OK, I really am going to go do something productive now!

6:54 PM [+]


I finally have comments on my page! Woohoo!! I have been trying to set up a commenting system for months now, and have had a hard time A) finding one that would accept new users and B) getting it to actually work on my page. Enetation to the rescue! Groovy, baby. :-)

I have everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I sure did. It was wonderful seeing my sweetie. His parents and Annora's boyfriend came up from Florida, and his mom cooked a lot of delicious food. Luckily, the weather was nice on the drive there and the return drive, but the traffic on the way back was horrendous! It was absolutely ridiculous. It took 133.3% of the time it should have taken. Insane.

Well, I really should tear myself away from the computer. I need to unpack and do some schoolwork. Let me know how your Thanksgiving went!

6:21 PM [+]

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